The ownership capital of the credit union as mentioned in the previous shall be included shares, dormant account, capital reserves, reserves, special reserves, undistributed net income and net income for the year. 前项所称自有资金系指:社员股金、留置股金、资本公积、公积金、特别公积,未分配盈余及本期损益。
The establishment of dormant partnership can assimilate capital and satisfy various demands of market body as well as standardizing investment activities to protect the legal right of investers and operators. 隐名合伙不仅满足了市场主体的不同需求,有效地融通资金,而且隐名合伙的设立,有利于规范投资行为,切实保护投资者和经营者的合法权益,是现代企业制度的必要补充。